The journey continues...
I finally found it. The most painful thing I could ever lose in my life, my smile. Just like that it started showing up again. Of course, I've had a little help from so many amazing people. Some new, some old, but all people I care deeply about, and have come to realize how deeply many of them care for me.
:-) See? There it goes again! (Even my favorite cookie knows what's up)

This year has been a roller coaster ride for me. The ride has shown me some incredible ups, but also some incredibly deep lows.
My greatest worry that my taking off and traveling around the country for 5 months was that I was simply running away from everything negative in my life. The idea of running away from my troubles is something I've never given a second thought to. I had/have a lot to be thankful for, but the pressure of the events of this part year was just becoming too much. I sat down for a long conversation w/ an old family friend & was amazed at some of the words coming out of our mouths as I sat & talked to him. We talked for hours & he helped me come to some amazing realizations. My journey, this journey, has allowed me to sit back & finally take the time to grieve the events of the past year. To grieve the unexpected death of an amazing friend, the loss of a job, a home, a love. It has given me the time to heal. Or to at least begin the healing process in some instances. The time that I would not allow myself back home.
My travels continue to lead me into some amazing places.
I took 2nd place in my first 5k, but did not fare so well in my first 10k. I have run a few more 10Ks since & my time is steadily improving. I am happily running more and more miles on a weekly basis (all done in my Vibrams I might add) & continue to keep short term goals (Shawnee Extreme Rogaine & a lot more races K races) just in front of me to keep me working hard towards the Grizzly Man Adventure Race this spring. I'm also pretty sure I have acquired a running coach for when I return to Missoula! Hopefully I can use the indoor track at the UM rec center to keep me on my feet til Montana thaws.

I've also been taking any free time to read more (something I love to do, & will continue to make time for in the winter back home). I am open to anything (fiction or non), so if you have a suggestion, please share them! Columbus has an amazing metropolitan library system & I am taking full advantage of it while I continue to call Pataskala my home base for the next 7 weeks.

(Hopefully) this spring I will be returning back to school to finish my degree at the U of M. This does not mean I am saying goodbye to my dog training career or putting an end to my hard built company. I will continue to do what I love most while earning/finishing my degree. I've already got a growing tight training schedule building for when I return to work in January. I miss my clients & the dogs. I am very excited to return to school, especially since I will be considered an in state resident (which drops the price of tuition from about 22,000 a year to 7,000). I also had the opportunity to visit my alma matter, NK9, here in Columbus. I spoke to a class about to graduate (hopefully they all passed their final exams & practicals!). I also finally got to see my name on the plaque in the hallways. Surreal.

I am working a part time seasonal job here in Columbus to help me earn a little extra money for my travels (& putting some away for school). During my free days I have been fortunate enough to jump on some planes to continue my traveling. I've had a blast visiting many states & cities & (more importantly) the people in them. Mi Baja is also enjoying the rest. She's going to need it, b/c in a few short weeks we'll be making the trek back to Missoula on a very indirect route. This will also slow down my blog posts for a while since I'm not racking up the miles on her as much. Don't worry, I'll get right back into my normal routine when I get back to Missoula & my normal life. This journey is about me tho, & I'm going to enjoy every second of it while I can.

I also need to take the time to congratulate two dear friends of mine on their engagement. Congrats Kristin & Tyler. I am so happy to be a part of your life & look forward to watching you two grow as the years pass. Also, I refuse to wear another ugly bridesmaid dress, so it better be pretty!
Free- is all that she could bleed
That’s why’ll she’ll never stay
White- bare naked in the night
Just lookin’ for some play
Just another girl that wants to rule the world
Any time or place
And when she gets into your head
You know she’s there to stay
Slow- She’s burnin’ in your soul
With whispers in your ear
It’s okay I’ll give it anyway
Just get me out of here
You’ll plead- you’ll get down on your knees
For just another taste
And when you think she’s let you in
That’s when she fades away
You want it
She’s got it
Holly’s Chambers gonna change your mind